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Andrea Boyd, Unqualified Author

I’ve blogged a couple of times about how God called me to be an author. The call was unexpected. I still feel unworthy. But I’m doing it. And I’ll continue until He tells me to stop. It gives me purpose and brings me joy I hadn’t known what was missing from my life. This unexpected call brings up the first item on the list of reasons I’m unqualified to be an author.

~Unlike other authors, I didn’t write my first story the moment a crayon was placed in my hand. Stories have always played out in my dreams and imaginations, but I was in my late forties when I wrote the first one.

~I don’t have a degree in literature. In fact, my love has always been for numbers, not words. We only needed two general math classes to graduate high school and I managed to squeeze in five. This was in addition to the two years of accounting. Before starting my writing career, my workload revolved around bookkeeping and taxes, and I loved it!

~I write in multiple genres and only under one name. You readers may not realize it, but this is frowned upon in the writing community. Hey, I write what God gives me. I have made it easier for you in case you’re one of those who only likes to read in one genre. I’ve labeled each one on my website and have worked it into the description of each book. Scroll down for a complete list.

~I’m not cute and I have the personality of a villain. —Don’t argue with me on this one. Fact is fact!— I didn’t even know about personality types until I was researching how to write better villains. My personality type (INTJ) is the one most often depicted as the bad guy. Imagine trying to relate to sweet Christian readers with that embedded into your system. Here again, I’m calling on God. He gave me this personality, but it is up to me whether or not to play the role of villain. I choose not to… on most days.

Regardless of all of this, I pray you’ll give my stories a chance. There’s a message in each one, but according to several reviewers, they’re not too “preachy.” So no fears there. And you have a variety to choose from. Are you interested in medieval fantasy? I’ve got you covered. Is contemporary romance that runs sweet more to your liking? I’ve got that too. Or do you prefer contemporary romance that reads more like women’s fiction? Well, that seems to be my specialty!

What type of books do I write? I write in three different genres, actually, but all are Christian Fiction and all have romance.